Early morning our roe deer were very close to the field edge across from our house. I dressed quickly, grabbed the camera and went out. The deer are used to people walking along so were not disturbed. They get more wary if you stop and look their way. I stood beneath a small tree.
Later that day I went out with Barry to Broomhill and Old Moor. I didn't take the camera. It was a wet and very cold day but we had nice views of the perched peregrine at Old Moor and I was pleased to be first to spot the hawfinch at Broomhill. See http://barryjohnbishop.blogspot.co.uk/ for his photos. Meanwhile...I tried to snap her [it's a female] with my iphone!!
That is a hawfinch, honest! It didn't really work, did it?!
Here's one I took earlier! [Castle Howard Arboretum last year]
Today, February 14th, we saw 3 tree sparrows in our garden together, so we now know there's more than just the one. I know they're fairly common in Yorkshire but it's still a thrill to see them here in York. These were taken through the glass of a bedroom window.
Then on Friday, February 16th, I was having breakfast when I spotted this smart chap from the kitchen window!
I tried to creep up on him on the premise that all pheasants are stupid! Stupid me; he flew off!
Later I headed north to Washington to look for the wild ferruginous duck at the WWT reserve. It's been dropping in there for a long time. Not sure what it's provenance is however...
I do think ferruginous ducks are very handsome in a slightly understated kind of way.
Not understated at all are the smews. Afraid I can't resist spending a bit of time with a few of the captive birds. Smew in courtship mode were very exciting.
My favourite shot
Cranes too!
There are lots of other super birds to see but none have quite the attraction for me that these 3 species have [except perhaps the southern shovelers]. Captive they may be but they're still beautiful birds and lovely to spend a bit of time with.
En route home I called at Greatham Creek Salterns determined to try again for the overwintering spotted redshank. Near to giving up as usual I walked north along the embankment for about 300m. Boom! There it was next to an ordinary so the differences stood out really well. Scope views only I'm afraid.
Still 11 behind last year!