23rd-25th December

December 27, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The last hurrahs?

I expect so. The year is drawing to a close and after several weeks of a heavy cold plus general scarcity of good birds locally I decided it was time to venture north for the eastern yellow wagtail. I had been to Prestwick Carr on a couple of previous occasions and soon found the crossroads where there is enough parking space for a few cars. The bird in question had been in the flooded horse field for a good few days so I was surprised to see about 6 birders already on site when I arrived at about 9.30 am.

I had to walk no more than 100 yards to see the bird pottering about in the mud about 3 feet from the hedge. The main problem was getting all the bird in the frame! These are uncropped images.

Last photo shows the very long hind claw.

Well, that was soon done and so I wondered where to go next. I headed back south calling at Hartlepool. Newburn Bridge had some nice waders in the sunshine. Here's some of them - notably oystercatcher, knot, ringed plover and a favourite, purple sandpiper.

A mediterranean gull looked well in the sunlight.

Christmas Day. Sheila suggested that I go to Stainforth to try to see the rough-legged buzzard, as the day would be the best day weather-wise for some time to come. I struggled a little to find the correct place but once I had got there I soon saw the bird perched a good way off in some distant trees.

I met some other birders on the tip [formerly part of Hatfield Colliery] and we waited for the bird to fly around. A robin kept an eye on us.

Eventually I got some flight shots. Kestrel also got in on the act. Here they both are: rough-leg first.

251 UK 2019 


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